How to activate the 360 Shopify app on any theme
The Site Search 360 Shopify app seamlessly integrates with the following themes:
The theme you're currently using for your Shopify online store isn't one of the above? Don't worry, our app is highly customizable, and our support team is ready to help you with the setup.
The search is going to work as soon as you apply it to your theme, but you'll see an orange icon indicating that you might need to tweak a few settings for the results to seamlessly blend into your website:
When you click on the preview icon next the selected theme, your site preview will open in a new tab with our search replacing the default Shopify search function. You can tell it by seeing a different search suggestion drop-down, for example:
Once you click "Show all results", you will see them in an overlay popup. This is one of the implementation styles we offer, it's fully mobile-friendly and accessibility-conscious. You can customize the colors of the buttons, titles, and filters in the Design tab of the app.
To embed the results so they're shown on your search page and not on top of it, go to the Design tab > General, scroll down to the "How to show results" section, and replace our default Result Block Selector with a CSS class or id pointing the app to a section of your site where the results should be rendered instead:
For the Crave theme, for example, you can use #product-grid for the Result block selector. I've also made the Site Search 360 background color transparent with some custom CSS - this can be done under Advanced Configuration > Additional CSS (last icon in the top-left bar under Design).
Now the Site Search 360 results have been properly connected to your theme template: